photo/pm5:55 · 2023. 1. 30. 00:09
첫 손님
공사 후 첫 손님이 다녀가셨다. 공사할 때 많은 도움을 준 다정한 ‘전문가’ 친구들이라 더 반가웠다. 여태 식물도, 테이블도, 공사짐도 제대로 위치를 못 잡은 채이지만, 함께 온기를 나누니 옥인온실이 더 따뜻하게 느껴졌다. The first customers visited after the construction. I was more glad that they were friendly "professional" friends who helped me a lot during the construction. Until now, the plants, tables, and construction luggage have not been properly located, but when we shared the wa..