우산을 쓰고

우산을 들고, 혹은 쓰고 동네를 걸었다.
카페에 가려고 했지만, 닫은 곳이 많았고 연 곳은 줄이 길었다. 익숙한 도로와 골목을 걸었다. 익숙한 카페에서 줄을 서 커피를 마시고, 익숙한 식당에 줄을 서 소바를 먹었다.

이곳을 맴도는 건,
비가 와서 일까, 전염병 때문일까, 좋아서일까.

I walked around the neighborhood with an umbrella.
I was going to go to the cafe, but there were many places that were closed. There were many people in the cafe that opened. I walked along familiar roads and alleys. I lined up at a familiar cafe to drink coffee, and lined up at a familiar restaurant to eat soba.

The reason I'm hovering around here is because...
Is it because of the rain, the epidemic, or because I like this place?


여행, 사진, 책, 별

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