
사과 에이드 위에 올려져 있던 애플민트를 흙에 심은 지 한 달 반이 지났다.

긴 장마 탓에 햇빛을 못 봤더니 십 센티 넘게 웃자랐다.

그래도 이렇게 예쁘다.

오랜만에 햇빛이 쨍쨍하니 튼튼하게 자라 다오.

It's been a month since Apple Mint was planted in the soil.

The rainy season was so long that I couldn't see the sunlight that only the stem grew more than 10 centimeters.

It's still pretty.

It's been a long time since the sun was bright, so please grow strong.


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