오후 세시쯤 길을 나섰다. 인왕산 선바위를 올랐다. 볕이 강렬했다. 이미 등산을 마치고 내려온 사람들이 반팔 티셔츠를 입고 있었다. 인왕사에는 초여름에 볼 수 있는 등나무 꽃이 한창이었다. 겨울 지나 찾아온 따뜻한 볕이 반가우면서도, 벌써 여름이 온 것 같아 걱정되었다. 무르익은 초록을 만나고 집으로 돌아오는 길, 초콜릿 아이스크림을 먹었다. 나는 금세 달고 시원해졌지만, 지구는 점점 쓰고 뜨거워지고 있었다.
I set out on the road around 3 p.m. I walked to Inwangsan Mountain. The sun was strong. People who had already come down from hiking were wearing short-sleeved T-shirts. Inwangsa Temple was in full swing with Japanese wisteria flowers that can be seen in early summer. I was glad to see the warm sun that came after winter, but I was worried that summer had already come. On my way back home from summer green, I ate chocolate ice cream. I quickly became sweet and cool, but the earth was getting bitter and hot.