역사 속으로 사라진 옥인시범아파트 7동의 흔적.
전화가 귀했던 당시, 옥인아파트에는 집집마다 전화가 있었다고 한다.
Trace of Okin apartments that disappeared into history.
At the time when telephones were precious, most of Okin apartment people had telephones.
역사 속으로 사라진 옥인시범아파트 7동의 흔적.
전화가 귀했던 당시, 옥인아파트에는 집집마다 전화가 있었다고 한다.
Trace of Okin apartments that disappeared into history.
At the time when telephones were precious, most of Okin apartment people had telephones.